Looking back, I seem to spend a lot of these monthly round-up posts justifying why I haven’t written as much as I should or would have liked to. There’s always something, whether that’s family dramas, crises of confidence, sheer bone-idleness or whatever…
This month has – predictably – been no exception to the life-getting-in-the-way problem. Almost on the spur of the moment, we decided to move house because we found somewhere that meets our needs better whilst enabling us to stay in the same neighbourhood. That meant we had to get a wriggle on in order to get our current house on the market. It was finished – the renovation was all done and it’s completely transformed from the scruffy fixer-upper we bought five years ago – but there was a lot to do in the way of making it look a bit more spacious and less as though we have a teenager and work from home. Plus, we’re fostering a dog at the moment until she goes to her new “forever home” (such a naff phrase) and you wouldn’t believe the amount of fur that she sheds. For all those reasons, writing has been shoved into odd corners rather than being the priority it needs to be in order to make serious progress.
Anyway, the house is now on the market and looking gorgeous if I do say so myself. Hopefully it will sell quickly and I can get back to concentrating on my writing. In the meantime, in between viewings and endless cleaning and all the seemingly unending admin that goes with moving house, I’ll carry on trying to sneak in some writing time.